Losing Weight Dad Terms
Nothing on this website or in any of the communications provided in association with LosingWeightDad.com (“Website”) or the Losing Weight Dad Weight-Loss Challenge (“Challenge”) shall constitute medical advice. All weight loss measures taken by weight-loss challenge participants (“Participants”) are done under their own direction and discretion. Information provided on this website is provided as is and shall only be considered as informative, not instructive.
Participants agree that they have not undergone or plan to undergo any type of drastic medical weight-loss treatment. Such treatment includes, but is not limited to, all forms of bariatric surgery.
Participants agree to submit their weight weekly and on time through the webpage provided. Weights must be submitted prior to 10 am local time on Saturday each week.
Participants agree that one late weigh-in shall be allowed before disqualification from the Challenge occurs. Late weigh-in consists of submitting Participant’s weekly weigh-in after 10am local time each Saturday during the Challenge.
Participants agree to having their participation terminated if they are found to be guilty of cheating. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, drastically increasing body weight prior to initial weigh-in, holding weights or other heavy objects during initial weigh-in, and tampering with scale to falsely represent Participant’s weight.
Participants agree to use a digital scale placed on a solid surface not on carpet. Participants shall use the same scale for each weigh-in throughout the Challenge.
Participants agree to pay the $35 participation fee (“Fee”) prior to the Challenge to be eligible for prize money throughout the Challenge and at the conclusion of the Challenge. Payment shall be made through Paypal to mark@losingweightdad.com. After payment is received, and initial weigh-in is submitted, no refunds will be given.
Participants agree that $10 of their Fee will be allocated to site administration and support. The remainder of Participant’s Fee will be allocated to Challenge prize money.
Participants agree that winnings and distribution of prize money will be determined and agreed upon at the beginning of the Challenge by Participants and the site administrator.
Participants agree to submit a video weigh-in the first and last weeks of the Challenge. Video weigh-in instruction includes (1) Participant standing in full frame of a video recorder where Participant’s entire body is visible, (2) Participant rotating 360 degrees to show clothing being worn, (3) Participant stepping onto scale that has been zeroed out, (4) Weighing themselves, (5) Speaking the number they see on the scale,(6) having person recording weigh-in record the number on the scale. Video weigh-in shall be submitted through the webpage provided.
If Participant needs to withdraw from the Challenge, Participant agrees that no refund will be given for Fee paid.
Participant shall take Before Pictures on the day the Challenge begins and After Photos the day the Challenge ends. These photos will be used to verify weight-loss of Participants. Before and after photos will not be made public unless Participant agrees to have them made public on a before and after photo gallery portion of the website. Before and After Photos shall be taken standing the the same way.
This agreement may be amended with or without notice to Participants. Any modification made to this agreement only affect Participant who agree subsequent to modifications.